Women’s Wellness Series

Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com

Hey Queens!

After 20+ years of infertility, my husband and I recently conceived naturally. Sadly, my pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. As hard as it is to live with the loss of my baby, I cant help but think about the lifestyle changes I made. These changes may have helped in my conception. Now, I am very careful about claiming one single action, product or regimen helped me to get pregnant. As a woman of faith, I believe that God gives life. He also gives us wisdom on how to treat the life/body He has given us. So, its a collective effort. One key change worth noting is in my deodorant. It all started when I interviewed Tresa Rolando Salters and I asked her “What is one change we all can make today” and she said “Change your deodorant. Only use all-natural deodorants”. See the full interview here: https://youtu.be/jwMA08wtmTM

Tresa was right! I have always been someone with sensitive skin, especially under my arms. I would use conventional deodorants and they seemed so harsh. After using certain products, my underarms would burn. I did a little research and found that many popular brand deodorants are filled with toxins. What are toxins? Toxins are “an antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin, especially one produced by or derived from microorganisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body”. (Oxford University Press, 2021)

Some of the most common toxins in deordants are

Butane and Isobutane:

These toxins are known to disrupt the endocrine system, increase risk of breast, cancer, mimicking estrogen in the body and cause tumor growth.

For more information, please check out the Madesafe link https://www.madesafe.org/education/whats-in-that/deodorant/. On the Madesafe website, they have listed 6500 products/chemicals/toxins that are in many of the products we all use today.

So, needless to say this change has helped me. 1. My body is less toxic, just from changing my deordorant. 2. My under arms arent burning…Thank God! 3. If feel better about how I am taking care of my self. Prayerfully, we are doing what needs to be done for Baby Coney #2.

Stay Tuned Queens!

This will be a series. There are so many more changes I have made to detoxify my body and my environment. Also, there is so much more to share about my fertility journey.



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